Friday, April 1, 2011

A New Me

One month ago I had my first real workout in a very long time. It was with the ladies at PACE and we worked out with Wii Active. Since that day I have been challenging myself to make exercise a part of most of my days of the week.

That day also sparked a conversation about my past job as a group fitness instructor. One thing led to another and two weeks later I taught my first aerobics class after almost 7 years! It was a salsa aerobics class with 5 ladies from PACE. I warned them that I was a little rusty, in more ways than one, but it was a successful experience for the most part. I am teaching another class next week!

Once we were done the girls recommended I start up a class somewhere in town. Maria got a contact for me and I was told of a couple other options to check out. Honestly, I am pumped to start up again. At the same time I am a little nervous! I can barely remember what I was doing 5 minutes ago let alone remember an entire aerobic sequence! Some days I feel like my once very coordinated body just doesn't move like it used to!

Nevertheless, I have been pulling out my workout videos of Paula Abdul and the buff Billy Blanks hoping to get inspired and into better shape. I am literally still 30 pounds heavier than I was before I had Jacob. I haven't quite been living the low carbs way for at least 2 years.

When I got pregnant with Jacob I craved carbs a lot! I gained almost 20 pounds more than with the other two and I suffered with back issues for many months after Jacob's birth. I did hot yoga for 6 months to resolve that, but then we moved to the country where hot yoga is unheard of. The stress of moving took a toll on me emotionally and physically so of course I craved comfort foods. Then when the winter hit I went into hibernation! All of these things add up to an unhealthy me. I know they are all just excuses, and it doesn't excuse the neglect I have given to my body!

My main work outs have been with the Wii Active doing the 30 day challenge. It is fun because of the variety of exercises. There are a lot of band exercises and fun inline skating jumps, but it is definitely not a huge cardio work out. I have also gone for a few walks on the bike trail, but most work outs are done at home. A lot of the times 1 or all of my kids have been present and that is another obstacle which I have had to overcome. I once did sit ups with Jacob sitting on me! Sometimes they like to join in, but most times I have to just shut out the noise of the "brotherly love" and move on.

My body needs a big makeover, I want to improve what kinds of foods go into my mouth and the mouths of the rest of my family, and I want to start helping other people get back into shape and feeling good about themselves. It all sounds great, but old habits die hard! I know it is going to take a lot of discipline on my part and I will need a lot of  support along the way. I also know I have to ask for help. Another stepping stone!  

I already have two  programs in place to help me achieve all this. The first is USANA's RESET, a 5 day cleanse to help me stop craving the carbs. This is a fabulous program to release weight and start eating low Glycemic foods. I have been taking USANA products and been an associate for almost 5 years now. Obviously,other than the vitamins, I haven't taken full advantage of the products in the past two years. Lately I have certainly been starting to work my shakes and bars back into my daily routine!
The second is called The Healthy Edge, . My good friend Amber and her sister April developed the program a few years ago. Ironically enough, I have had all the knowledge at my fingertips for 2 years, and I still have resisted the program. Not a big surprise! Something about cleaning out the cupboards is a little scary!

Now I am making a choice to get on the ball and allow my body to experience all the greatness THE and USANA has to provide. I am praying to keep my mind clear and hands off the cookies! After I had Mason it only took me 10 months to get back to my weight before I had kids! I know I can do it, I just have to choose to do it!

I heard on the radio once about a woman who lost over 100 pounds. Along with her exercising she kept her thoughts with God and read the bible for encouragement. Something to seriously think about giving a try! I am already reading the One Year Bible, and now I will just have to do some research to check out the verses that are truly inspiring and encouraging for me. My body is a shell that God has given to me and I am going to start treating it with the love and care that it deserves, both inside and out!


"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?"
1 Corinthians 3:16 


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