Thursday, April 21, 2011

Take My Hand

At the young age of 19 months, Mr. Jacob has already mastered the art of communicating without words.

Over the past couple weeks he has been coming up to me and gently grabbing my hand . He then leads me to where he wants to go. Sometimes it is just a walk around the house. Sometimes, he has a stinky diaper. Sometimes he wants something out of reach.

Of course he isn't always gentle about it. Many times he uses his head or his hands to push me away from what I am doing. I choose to accept all forms of communication, except the high pitch scream when he just isn't satisfied with a situation. If cuddling him doesn't work I do my best to let him have his little melt down on his own. This may take 2 minutes or 15 minutes. Either way I let him be. Yes he will follow me around screaming sometimes, so this is when I lock myself in a bathroom!

His brotherly communication has become more aggressive because that is what he sees between his older brothers. He can dish out the punches! He is a tough cookie. Unfortunately the hits are usually unwarranted and it is usually my sensitive Logan that takes it!

Needless to say, Jacob has been having his share of time outs on the stairs. Actually, a couple weeks ago he did something and I told him to go sit on the stairs and that is exactly where he went. He even stayed for at least 2 minutes! That is way more than any of the older siblings will do without complaining or squirming!

Mr. Jacob has a minor rough side, but the majority of his character is very loving and gentle. He has the sweetest smile, the cutest little giggle, and gives the best cuddles. Sure many of the cuddles are during the wee hours of the night, or after nap time but I will take them while I can get them!


Do all things lovingly. That is the secret to quality and excellence.
- Gary Ryan Blair

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