Wednesday, April 25, 2012

28 Day Detox- Day 10

During the first week of this 28 Day Detox I had been having a few stomach issues and feelings of drowsiness. It my have been the extra supplements for the liver that I added to my diet. It may have been the stomach bug that passed through my family. It may have been allergies that I have never experienced before. It may have been the lack of sleep because of the bug? Whatever it was I hope it is gone!

The nutritionist who helped develop this program, Laura Townsend, had made a comment that not everyone feels great on a detox because some people just have a lot of "gunk" to clean out of their system. However true this comment is I had some resistance to it! She wasn't even pin pointing me, but I thought it was interesting how I chose to react.

For those of you who know me, I really do not put a lot of unhealthy things into my body. Maybe my one vice,chocolate, did build up after a while? Or maybe it was the chocolate that was making me feel that much better :) I still will not eat chocolate until after the detox. In any case I am determined to resolve the issue!

I now have a bloating feeling. It may or may not be due to Gluten, but this particular 28 Day Detox does have a gluten free option. So starting tomorrow I will be making a better effort to cut Gluten out for the rest of the detox. It can't hurt!

On a more positive note, even with all the internal upset, my plan to take this detox for more than just a liver cleanse was not crushed!

Kale Chips, who would have thought this leafy vegetable would be so yummy! I made a batch of my own  for the first time yesterday and shared it with my Healthy Edge group. Unfortunately by the time I transferred the chips to our meeting place they had wilted a little because they were still a little warm when I put them in the container.They still tasted great, but on the chewy side. I didn't want them to go to waste, because Kale is not cheap, so I put them back in the oven for another few minutes at lunch today. Eureka!! They were so wonderful! I ate them as a side to my huge spinach wrap!

Today I made it to my second bible study with even more new faces! It has been interesting to study Ephesians. Today we really related it to our kids and school. Amazing what I learned about elementary school children watching movies in school that would even be too graphic for an adult! Just because the teacher thought it would be a good representation of something in history!! What about a book!!!!!!Thankfully, I haven't run into any problems, but I am going to be on better guard!

I have been writing in my gratitude journal frequently and even started thinking about a new children's book that I want to write! The fun thing about my gratitude journal is it helps me to remember all the wonderful things that happened during my day instead of focusing on what didn't work!

My new thing today was making dinner at 2pm before the kids got home from school. This was to be less stressed around dinner time because I had to teach my Zumba® fitness class at 6:30 pm. I also wanted to be sure I wasn't going to take an easy way out with hot dogs or pasta. I made a yummy recipe my handy dandy Healthy Edge cookbook. It was the Indian Curry Chicken with pearled barley. I have made it with Brown rice as well and it is a different texture. Needless to say we ate by 5pm and I was less stressed!

The energy was amazing in my Zumba® fitness class this evening. Last week I felt a little disoriented and to me the class did not go as well, so it was great to have the energy back!

Now I must put my head on my pillow so I can function tomorrow with a clear mind and a full heart!

Dear Heavenly Father, please watch over my family tonight and place wonderful dreams into our heads so that we may sleep peacefully through the night and wake up refreshed! Amen

Lee-Anne xo

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