Tuesday, February 8, 2011


We have been living in the country side of Quebec, Canada since August of 2010. We bought and moved into the family homestead and acquired an acre of land and a beautiful country home built by my Father-in-law.

Life has been very different for me in many ways since we moved. Unlike my husband who grew up here in the country, I grew up in the suburbs with everything pretty much at my finger tips. We have lived in many different places over the past 12 years, the last of which was Seattle, Washington. We left wonderful friends, an amazing neighbourhood, and a glorious community church.

Here in the country, I feel very isolated. Our closest neighbours are in the cemetery on the other side of the hedges. I live on a dirt road and share it with 4 other houses. I only live 5 minutes from town which is not too bad. I do have to take one of two highways to get there so walking is not an option.

In town I can visit my in-law's, go to the one gocery store, visit the library which is situated both on the US and Canadian Borders, drive my kids to the local french school, and check out 3 thrift shops! Of course most things are closed on Mondays so I have to plan ahead sometimes.

The advantage of living in a border town is I can cross into the US and use the grocery stores, and gas stations whenever I have the chance. Yes I still need my passport, but sometimes it is just nice to get some variety.

It is an interesting feeling to be a part of a small town. Everyone knows everyone, and if they do not know you then they know of you. Martin's family has been here since his parent's were kids, so I can mention a name and instantly I have a new friend!  I am so used to living in the city where I would barely see or even know my neighbours. Now the owners of the local ice cream place know my name and my kids! (Apart from Grandmaman's, they have the best banana bread in town !)

I am still adapting to the whole environmental culture shock. I didn't think it would take me so long, but I guess I have been in complete resistance for a while and not wanting to admit it. I am now choosing to take my new life by the reigns and go for an amazing ride.

I am not really sure how this blog is going to turn out, but that is the exciting part! I do not even know who will read this, but this is something I am doing for me. Yes it is a way to keep friends and family updated, but for the most part it is a way to journal about country life and how I am finding my place.

In order to emerge in life sometimes you have to throw yourself into an emergency!

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