Monday, February 28, 2011

March Break- Day 1

The March Break officially started Friday, Feb. 25th, at 3pm. My brain didn't register the break until this morning at 6am when the boys woke up.

It isn't that I do not enjoy being with my boys, it is just that I know that they need to be occupied a lot more and the constant fighting is really hard to handle sometimes. Fortunately, this week has a few fun events included so it will pass the time easier.

Today we started with a yummy french toast breakfast. This is Logan's favourite because I make it with croissants. He used to call it sweet toast and refused to put syrup on top. Now his taste includes the sweeter things in life and the more syrup the better!

Then we attempted to play Wii Fit. It is usually a hit with Mason and Logan, but as soon as we brought the fit board out Jacob wouldn't leave Logan alone. I had also mentioned making birthday cards so Mason ended up being more interested in crafting. (Something he has just started to appreciate.) So by 9am I put Jacob down for a nap and Logan, Mason and I made some cards. Once Logan had made enough by his standards he played Wii LEGO Batman.

9:30am we had snack time and Jacob woke up at 9:45am. Not bad! 45 minutes of exploring my creativity without any meltdowns and also had some side by side time with Mason!

They watched a little T.V. before lunch. Once lunch was done Mason and Logan went outside to play ALONE for 1 HOUR in the snow making snow forts!!!!!! What a great treat! That is one beautiful thing about owning an acre of land in the country; I can see them out the front window, the back window, and one side window so I know where they are. We have a long enough driveway that the cars are not an issue so far and enough land that they can be creative with their playing and not get into too much trouble! (YET)

They came in for hot chocolate and marshmallows, then Mason and Jacob went for a nap while Logan did some homework with Daddy! One of the nice things about Martin working from home is that he makes himself available for free time with the kids as much as he can. I can help Logan with homework, but because french is Martin's first language he is the best one for help!

Now we are just planning what dinner will be and then it will be a regular nighttime routine. Bathtime, game,show, storytime, then sleep! I am looking forward to tomorrow and Wednesday. We will be doing fun things with the ladies and kids from PACE. Then Thursday is a possible ski day! Sunday will be a day to rest!


Exodus 20:9-11

Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

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