Saturday, March 5, 2011

March Break Day 4-6

We are coming to an end of the infamous March Break! It has been busy, refreshing, and tiring all at the same time. Having 3 kids home 24/7 for more than a week is always interesting. Not to mention, 3 very active BOYS! I love my kids, and I will be happy to send Mason and Logan back to school next week. We all get a little crazy when things are not part of a schedule for too long. We have been outside and running around, but being in each other's faces too long is very testing!

Thursday we had a pretty easy day. We had a late start for a 10:30 am sledding date with the cousins. It was perfect timing because we just had a little snack before we left, we played a little, ate more snacks that Grandmaman had brought, played a little more, then went home for lunch and a nap.

I still find it rather difficult to get out of the house before 10am if I do not have to. My kids are all up by 6am so one would think 8am would be easy to shoot for. However, either Martin or I have been up with Jacob starting around 4:30 am or earlier for almost two months now. So when Mason and Logan wake up at 6am I am still pretty tired and find it difficult to get my butt in gear. On a school day we are all out of the house by 8am, but it is a tight squeeze. Getting 3 boys under the age of 6 fed, dressed in their clothes, dressed in their snowsuits, and in the car is an adventure on it's own!

Anyway, Friday was a fun day skiing. It was also Dustin's birthday so it was a great way to celebrate! Most of the Beasse Clan was there. Grandmaman, Grandpapa, Martin, Logan, Mason, Jacob, me, ma tant Anne Marie (Martin's sister), and the cousins Chelsey-Anne (12), Dustin (11), Noah(6), and Kealan(4).

The kids 6 and under started on the hill with the "magic carpet". It was a good place to gain ther confidence and get their feet in place to start the day off right. After a few runs down the little hill they were all off an running down the bigger slopes. It was fun to have so many of us there because everyone took turns skiing with the little guys. Logan even skiied with Dustin a couple times down the bigger slope!

Jacob and I had an interesting day climbing up and down the stairs outside, meeting all sorts of new people in the chalet, and eating lots of yummy food. I was a little sad that I wasn't skiing, but at the same time I had chosen to be with Jacob for the day. I didn't even think about getting a babysitter until Anne had mentioned it at the ski hill! Oh well, I followed Jakers around and as long as he was happy, and not getting into mischief everything was great! Next year Jacob will be on the bunny hill and I will be with him to help him ski. I haven't down hill skiied in so long that by next year someone might have to help me ski too!!

We ended the day with singing Happy Birthday to Dustin and then we ate yummy cupcakes. What more could we want! The ride home was pretty quiet for a change, but not totally silent. The kids watched the Backyardigans on Martin's IPhone for half the trip. We picked up a pizza and a poutine (fries topped with gravy and chesse curds) from Steve's Pizzeria, came home and pretty much vegged out the rest of the afternoon.

Even today everyone was zonked from all the action from the week so we just went sledding in the front for a little bit, came inside and did another session of Wii Active, then puttered around the rest of the day. The kids were asleep by 8pm and  I will be in bed by 9pm. Tomorrow we will go visit Anne and the kids to celebrate another family day. Now I just have to figure out how to put a video on here!


Psalm 133:1  How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!

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