Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday Morning

The morning started off pretty easy. I had a full night sleep so when the boys woke up at 5:45 am it wasn't too bad. Martin let me go back to bed since he was wide awake. I knew I wouldn't go back to sleep but I went back to bed anyway to enjoy some solitude and close my eyes. Martin is leaving for yet another business trip this afternoon for a few days so any rest is appreciated.

When I got up at 6:30am I started a load of laundry, cut up some banana bread for the kids, made Logan's lunch, ate my breakfast, then we all went upstairs to get dressed.

When I got downstairs I put the wet clothes in the dryer and started getting the school bags ready. Much to my shagrin I had forgotten to empty Mason's bag on friday so there were wet snowpants and mittens smelling up his bag. There wasn't enough time to put them in the dryer (not to mention I had just put clothes in there) so I had to find substitutes. I put in Logan's extra pants ( a few inches to long) and the only other pair of mitts that fit Mason (one with a slight tear ).

For the first time in a while all the kids got dressed and put their snow clothes on without a hitch. Since Martin had been away all last week, when I pulled out of my garage I had forgotten that Martin's truck was in the driveway. My rear window was rather dirty and I was excited to be out of the house on time. As I backed up I felt a thump. I am not typically known to swear, but I will admit that I said something I shouldn't have said. Of course I told my kids to ignore what I had just said!

At first I thought I had hit a snow bank. When I pulled forward and heard the scraping, without looking, I knew what I had done! I got out of the car saw the nice dent over the driver's side wheel in Martin's truck and then the nice scratches on my new van! I was a little upset, but thankful that nothing was too damaging.

We dropped Logan at school then when I brought Mason to school I realised that I forgot to put his shoes back in his bag after I had emptied it! I took a deep breath, encouraged Mason that being in sock feet feels so much better and took him to class. Right away his teacher reminded him that she had forgotten her shoes on Friday! All was well. I love his teacher!

After I dropped Mason off at school, I crossed the border to get gas and milk. (Saving about $25!) When I got home I told Martin what had happened to the truck. Instead of being upset, he took a look at it and told me it was rusted out anyway and that is why it crushed so easily. No major harm done. I love my husband!

It is 10 am and I am now feeding Jacob a snack and moving on with my day.


Dear Lord, please help me to find the humour in my everyday life and to move on!

Philippians 4:8 (NIV ©2011)

 8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

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