Sunday, March 27, 2011

Power of Forgiveness

I just watched a live streaming of a service at Gold Creek Community Church.
This was the church my family and I regularly attended and where I was actively involved when we lived in Snohomish, WA. Now I get to listen to the services online.

I was on the ball today and tuned in at 12pm EST, 9am PST, to listen to some wonderful and inspiring Christian music, and hear Pastor Dan share his words on Forgiveness. It was simple, yet so powerful! It really hit home with me because my mom and I are doing a bible study together.

The book is called "Women of the Bible". It is a study of 52 women of the bible, one woman each week of the year. It has lasted a little longer with all the changes over the past year, but we are finally on a roll. We call each other at least once during the week just to discuss what we have read and learned and share personal things in our lives. A lot of the stories include forgiveness, mostly on God's part, but also how to forgive others and ourselves.

My mom and I are very close in heart, but still quite far in distance. The study has brought my mom and I closer together spiritually and it gives us a great reason to call one another. (not that we need a reason) It has been a wonderful experience to laugh and cry together and have mature adult, godly conversations. Something that I never would have even thought of doing before I attended Gold Creek.

On the subject of forgiveness, we all have people to forgive. Pastor Dan put it nicely when he said that forgiveness can be one sided. If both people forgive each other then it is a reconciliation. I love this explanation. Inside my heart it takes up a lot less energy to forgive someone than to hold a grudge and look for revenge. He also stated that forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting. It just means to free up space in your heart for better things.

Why would I waste energy on hate and revenge, when I can choose to forgive and move on with life? From now on I will let God take care of my worries so I can be more present with Him.


Cast your cares upon the Lord, for he cares about you.                                                                                      - I Peter 5:7

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweetie.
    It's good to know that, even though you are not attending church in Stanstead, you are still able to connect with Gold Creek from time to time. I believe that the more we can forgive, the more we are enabled to progress and do wonderous things with our lives.

    Love you lots. Mom
