Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 21-22 Snow and naps!

I am grateful for being able to participate in an afternoon luncheon with Mason and his class yesterday! I was equally glad that Martin was able to participate as well :) Not only because my battery died in my phone and that was my camera so I used his phone, but because it has been such a pleasure to be able to share these special moments with Martin.

When we lived in Seattle it was always me doing the daytime school things because of Martin's work schedule. Now that he works from home he can usually make his own schedule! I know the kids love it too! Especially Jakers because he gets to spend the most time with him!

I am grateful for Christmas cards!!! I used to be really good at sending them out, and then I had my third child! Who knows, maybe I will get them out for New Years :) Then again  it might just have to wait until next year.

I am grateful that both Logan's and Mason's hockey games were in the same place and one right after the the this morning! It is so much nicer to be able to stick together rather than splitting up and going in two different directions! This way we can watch both games!

I am grateful for the snow that fell last night in place of the rain that was yesterday! Even though it was icy as the day moved on it made sliding with Jacob on our front lawn that much more fun!

I am grateful that my husband took over the task of driving Logan to his church play rehearsal!! I don't mind driving in snow, but it isn't my favourite! Instead I had the pleasure of reading Mason and Jacob a Christmas story, the Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree, and putting them down for a nap! Then I had almost an hour of peace and quiet to myself!

I am grateful that I chose to write my blog while the kids are enjoying a movie because I know for sure I will be heading to bed right after them tonight!

Blessings to All!!

Matthew 7:12
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
This was the message in the book , the Berenstain Bears' Christmas Tree

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