Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 26- Boxing Day

Today I am grateful for our town doctor, Dr. Bouchard. He opened his doors today, like he does almost any other day, and provided his services with a short story :) Dr. Bouchard is in his late 60's and loves his line of work. On a good day anyone can be in and out of his office in 5 minutes! Of course his waiting area only holds about 10 people at a time, but it is rare that anyone would have to turn around and go back at a later time. Compare 5 minutes, for a basic diagnosis, to 4-24 hours in our local emergency walk in clinics!

This morning Logan needed medication for Bronchitis in a bad way. I prepared a bag with snacks, water and a book when Martin left, just in case Dr. Bouchard wasn't open. When they came home within 30 minutes I was just as relieved as I am sure Martin was when he saw the lights on the Dr's office! Unfortunately, our local pharmacy was not open today :(

No worries though, I volunteered to make the trip into Magog, the next closest city, to the pharmacy. After all it is Boxing Day! For Canadians this day is the equivalent to Black Friday in the United States. I managed to fine a new winter jacket and boots at a great price! Both of which I needed and was just waiting for the perfect timing! Merry Christmas to me :) Grateful for a chance to go shopping on my own!

Today was supposed to be Christmas with Martin's family, but because so many of the family (spread out between each family) have been sick or are still sick, we postponed the gathering until January. However, mom had already cooked the turkey and she lives only 5  minutes from us. This meant we got to take home Christmas dinner and I didn't have to cook once again!!!!!! I am sure I do not need to stress how grateful I am whenever I do not  have to cook! Thank you mom!

Something I am truly grateful for, and may seem silly to some, is a clear floor in my bedroom! I have been doing laundry for what seems like forever, and my floor is finally cleared of all the sorted piles of dirty clothes and unfolded clean clothes! With a family of 5 the laundry seems never ending and I am grateful to be blessed with all we have!

I came downstairs about an hour ago from putting the little guys to sleep and I noticed that Martin's long time friend had come over.I had to laugh because they were both in the basement doing P90X YOGA! This is a very hard workout and I commend them for doing it! However, this is one thing I NEVER thought I would EVER see Martin and Thom doing together, let alone on their own :) Life has many surprises and I am grateful that P90X is something that is a common ground between me and a selected few who choose to go that extra mile!

I am off to bed!

Lee-Anne xo

Psalms 19:14 - 
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

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