Sunday, December 30, 2012

Almost there!

I have not been as diligent about the blog the past few days for several different reasons, mainly because of travelling,  and there is not always a convenient time to get on a computer! I am grateful to be able to travel through these holidays, but I think next year we will be staying home. I am finding that all the time on the road, as much as I love my family and friends, is too stressful and doesn't really fit in with the "keeping it simple" idea of the season. I am grateful to actually voice my opinion on this and have a very understanding and positive response!

Here is a quick overview of the top 3 things I have been grateful for for the past 4 days.

It is hard to believe that tomorrow will be day 31!

December 27
1. Spending time with Grandmaman and Grandpapa opening Christmas presents
2. Friends spending the day and evening with us
3. Snow storms to keep our friends at our house for the night (always a treat for the kids)

December 28
1. Waking up to a fresh white landscape
2. Clear roads and skies for driving
3. Arriving at Nana and Poppie's to the smell of a yummy meatloaf dinner!

December 29
1. Sliding in the park at Nana and Poppie's with new friends :)
2. Spending time with almost the entire family for another wonderful supper
3. Sleeping kids on the way to Grandma Jojo's and Grandpa Gord's house after a fun filled day!

December 30
1. Doing a P90X workout with my hubby (a little challenging with the space, but we figured it out :)
2. Spending time with our University friends and their children for the afternoon (Logan and mason opted to stay with Grandma and Grandpa, but Jacob had a blast playing with his new friends!)
3. A very easy bedtime procedure because all the kids were pooped out!


1 Thessalonians 5:18 ESV
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

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