Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I love love love ZUMBA fitness! I am so grateful that I jumped in and got licensed to be a Zumba instructor!

Honestly, for those of you who really know me, know that dancing is in my blood. I hear music and I have to move to the beat. Ever since I was a little girl I have been choreographing my own dances just for fun. I was always part of a dance club if there was one. I even remember having a very small group of friends when I was in grade 5 and we created a break dancing club!

Through the years, I have helped choreograph dances for community theater and for various school performances. Yet, other than my last year of high school, when I majored in dance, I never really had any formal training.

I got certified to be a group fitness instructor in 2001 so I had the formal fitness training. Even though a Zumba instructor isn't required to be certified in anything, it certainly does help to make sure form is suitable for everyone and body parts are where they are supposed to be! I would not recommend teaching any form of fitness without some theoretical and practical background with a certificate!

Zumba is the perfect medium for those who love to dance and enjoy a great workout. Seriously, I have so much fun dancing in class and showing others how to do the moves that sometimes I forget that I am "working out" :) The sweat that comes off me and my participants is evidence that it is a super duper workout!

Not only do I get to teach adults, but I went the extra step and I am licensed to teach kids their form of Zumba, ZUMBATOMIC! Yes you have to be licensed or you cannot teach it or at least you cannot call it Zumbatomic. I teach two classes a week at my children's school during lunch break. What a fun way to promote health and fitness and FUN!

I am licensed in Zumba Gold as well so I can give the active older adult a good workout without all the hip action! This is also great for beginners, people recovering from injuries, and women who are pregnant.

Basically Zumba is for ALL AGES!!!

Oh yes, I am the only Zumba Instructor in town! I have been at it successfully for a year. ON MY OWN SCHEDULE! What a great way to earn an income! What I am even more excited about is what my plans will look like in 2013. I am scouting out some possible people who would like to teach Zumba so that there can be more classes available and we can have substitutes in case of emergencies :)

Who says you can't be paid for your passions or that you have to put your passions on hold? Not Me!
Can you tell I am running off a Zumba high? I taught my class tonight!

What are you passionate about that keeps you moving and grooving?


Dear Lord, Thank you for blessing me with two legs to dance and the heart to feel the rhythm!

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